Training of Trainers (ToT) on Access to Green Finance

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On 20 December 2022, online Training of Trainers workshop was held for the project team from all focus countries. 16 PROMISE team members participated in the training. Training was facilitated by Mr. Amarnath Munnolimath, Senior Manager, adelphi.

The training was aimed to equip project team on knowledge about green finance and MSME access to green finance activities under the PROMISE project. It started with understanding in-country teams prospective on Green Finance for MSMEs in their respective countries. As per participants, in almost all countries MSMEs in PROMISE project are very hesitant to take loans due to current economic crises interest rates are rising. But participants also mentioned that if there are any good finance schemes (grants or low interest rate loans) MSMEs are willing to apply to invest in high cost investments.

In the workshop participants learnt the Green Finance, different types of financing opportunities, and PROMISE project’s approach for MSME Access to Green finance activities. Participants expressed very positive response about the workshop and mentioned that the workshop has increased their knowledge and capacities in conducting on ground access to green finance activities with MSMEs. As a next step, in the coming months project team will be conducting series of MSME Green finance workshop to train MSMEs on Green Finance terminologies and connect them with some Financial Institutions and Technology providers.