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Training of Trainers (ToT) on Access to Green Finance

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On 20 December 2022, online Training of Trainers workshop was held for the project team from all focus countries. 16 PROMISE team members participated in the training. Training was facilitated by Mr. Amarnath Munnolimath, Senior Manager, adelphi.

The training was aimed

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MALDIVES: Gulhifalhu Beach Cleanup

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The Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union (EU) to the Maldives and Sri Lanka, Mr Lars Bredal, participated in a beach clean-up event organised by the ‘Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea’ (PROMISE) project in the Maldives on 28th November 2022

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INDIA: Chaliyar River Cleanup, Kozhikode, Kerala

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Thirty-five volunteers paddled on 04 November 2022 to successfully remove three hundred and two kilograms of litter from a five kilometre stretch of Chaliyar River at Kozhikode, under the PROMISE project in India. Coordinated by STENUM Asia with the local support of Jellyfish Watersports and Green

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MALDIVES: Meemu Atoll Boahuraa, Beach Cleanup

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On 04th and 05th November, the PROMISE team of Parley Maldives conducted beach clean-ups at Meemu Atoll Boahuraa, an uninhabited island in the Maldives. This event was joined by 83 participants, including communities in Meemu Atoll. Despite Day 2 being a rainy Saturday morning, 70 participants from

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INDIA: Second Policy Roundtable on marine litter prevention in India

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The second policy roundtable was held on 26 July 2022 in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. This event was a follow-up to the first policy roundtable held on 5 April 2022 where participants discussed the current challenges and gaps in policies for India (Kerala) to prevent marine litter. The event was

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MALDIVES: Pilot Material Flow Analysis in Hulhumale Phase 2, Maldives

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Overview of Activities

The PROMISE’s Material Flow Analysis (MFA) project team from Adelphi research GmbH and STENUM Asia developed a data collection methodology in June 2021. The methodology was first tested in India (Paruvar beach) in November 2021. The team then developed a pilot in the Maldives

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INDIA: Pilot Material Flow Analysis in Paruvar Beach, Kerala

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Overview of Activities: 

The ‘Prevention of Marine Litter in the Lakshadweep Sea (PROMISE)’ project conducted its pilot Material Flow Analysis (MFA) in Kerala, India. The project team from Adelphi research GmbH and STENUM Asia developed a data collection methodology in June 2021 and carried out

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June 2022 - PROMISE Partners Meeting

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The Project PROMISE held their partners meeting on the 09th of June 2022 at the Maldives National University. The meeting was attended by 15 members from all consortium partners - Maldives National University, adelphi, National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC), Parley Maldives, STENUM Asia and The

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